Payment Terms: I understand the proposed treatment plan estimation which has been presented to me as a written treatment plan outlining the required appointments, time frames, item codes and the fees associated with my treatment.
I understand all appointments are to be paid in full on the day of the procedure, and I will be mindful of any daily bank card limits I may have, thus ensuring full payment can be made.
I understand that if I wish to make payment via direct deposit that I will contact my treatment coordinator at least two days prior to my appointment, ensuring the funds have cleared before the commencement of my appointment.
I am aware that a HICAPS terminal is not available on site and I will claim any benefits that I may be entitled to directly from my health fund.
Patient Consent: I have been fully informed of the nature of t
he gum grafting surgery the risks and benefits, the alternative treatments available and the necessity for follow up care. I have had an opportunity to ask any questions I may have in connection with the treatment and discuss my concerns with my periodontist. I hereby consent to the gum grafting surgery as presented to me during consultation and in the treatment plan. I understand that during the procedure, conditions may become apparent which warrant additional or alternative treatment for my best interest, which I will be informed of. This may involve additional costs that may not have been outlined in the provided treatment plan.
I Understand the success of surgical procedures can be affected by medical conditions, dietary and nutritional problems, smoking, alcohol consumption, clenching and grinding of teeth, adequate oral hygiene, and medications that I may be taking. To my knowledge I have reported to my periodontist any prior drug reactions, allergies, diseases, symptoms, habits or conditions that in any way relate to this surgical procedure.
I have agreed to follow the post-operative instructions and to report to all follow up appointments.
Please note, due to the sterile environment, no family or friends are permitted chairside at the time of the procedure.
By providing my signature, I certify that I have read and fully understand this document and that all my questions have been answered to my satisfaction.